DOE: The Grinch that stole IGCC Xmas
‘Twas the week before Xmas, and all through the nation
The IGCC world joined Mattoon's great celebration.
For the FutureGen Alliance had picked this central Illinois site
To the chagrin of the Texans who still promised to fight.
Mattoon, now known better for bagels than for its coal,
Was touted as ideal for meeting FutureGen’s “near-zero” goal.
It was picked for its coal feedstock and fine geological accommodation
For advanced IGCC with greenhouse gas sequestration.
All were aglee that the project was on schedule.
For the Alliance had promised the site would be known by the Yule.
But alas! From DC there came an unwelcome clatter.
It seemed that the DOE was rethinking the whole matter
Within hours of news that brought Mattoon so much cheer,
DOE proclaimed: “FutureGen costs too much, we fear”.
With costs rocketing clear out of control
DOE called for “project redesign”, perhaps a new goal?
But have you not read Gas Turbine World, we say?
If not, pick up your copy of the Sep/Oct issue today.
For ultra-clean coal there’s the "40% Solution"
For affordable capture of CO2 pollution.
IGCC with coal could be as clean as gas, I warn ya.
The plant would even be allowed in picky California.
Or should DOE look to Peabody Coal for a clue?
Why not join China’s GreenGen? Let them do that for us too.
If history serves us, they will toe the line.
You can bet they won't waiver; undoubtely break ground in '09.
And the Aussies have their ZeroGen, is it any wonder,
They too have a plan to get it done down under?
And then there is Hatfield for CCS in the UK.
They say this time it’s for real, and that the Russians will pay.
Meanwhile, back home in the US of A,
A few good projects are making their way.
There’s still Edwardsport, Cash Creek, and Eastman Beaumont
Hunton has its Dow, and Mesaba, not yet down for the count.
But FutureGen, Oh FutureGen, where will you go?
Let’s hope that DOE / Alliance deliberations are not too slow.
But while the FutureGen leaders consider its plight,
A Merry Christmas to All, and to all a Good Night.